MISSACC will process a full refund, plus a shipping fee for all damaged, defective, or wrongfully shipped goods. If you are unsatisfied with your order, please take images of the original order so that we can process your refund.
If you change your mind about the order, please process the return request within 14 days of receiving the order. Note that these are calendar days, so weekends are also considered. Therefore, it is in your best interest to contact our customer service department as soon as possible to process your return.
All undamaged returns should be shipped back in their original condition. We do not accept the return of worn, washed, altered, or damaged items. Also, ensure that all returned items are shipped back with their original tags. We may not issue a return for goods that do not meet these conditions or comply with our return policy.
Once you have submitted your return request and we have acknowledged receipt, it will take up to 7 business days to process your return, exchange, or refund. Please note that the time it takes to receive your credit depends on the policies of your card issuer or bank. Usually, it takes between 7 to 14 working days from most card issuers to process a refund.
All custom fit orders are tailor-made to your specifications. This essentially means that once the order is complete, it will be for you and you only. We can't resell a custom-fit order to another customer. Therefore, we will not process returns or refunds for custom-fit orders unless there is a quality issue. Before you place your order, please ensure that you go over and confirm details about the color, style, and measurements within 24 hours of finalizing your order.
If there is a quality issue, Such as clothing damage,please take images of the original shipment and contact our customer services Within 48 hours to request a return.We will notify you once your request has gone through, and a return or refund can be processed within seven days of receiving and inspecting your order.
Original shipping fee & return shipping fee will not be refunded.Although you may have enjoyed the discount on shipping, the original shipping fee is non-refundable. Postage costs will be deducted when you make a return.
When you make a return, we charge a 10% restocking fee on returns.
Keep in mind that All of Missacc products are made-to-order to help reduce environmental waste and (to keep prices low for our customers) we charge these fees, which are automatically deducted from your refund amount.
Helpful Tips: To avoid any restocking fees, we suggest that you carefully review our size chart and "What Size Am I" Size guide before making a purchase.
Please Note: we reserve the right not to process the refund if they are returned in unacceptable condition.